Thursday, July 24, 2008

For hostel ppl who cant access rapidshare.

Assignment -I BE (Computer Science CD batch)
Course Teacher: Dr.T.N. Shanmugam
Last date for submission: 22nd August 2008

1. Obtain a PDE satisfied by all spheres whose centers lie on the z-axis.

2. Determine the PDE satisfied by all right circular cones whose axes coincide with the z-axis.

3. Find the PDE by eliminating the arbitrary function from
z = xy + g(x2 - y2)

4. Classify all the solutions of a PDE.

5. Find the general solution of the PDE
z(p - q) = z^2 + (x + y)^2.

6. Find the completer integral of the PDE
zpq = p + q.

7. Solve the PDE
(p^2)(q^2) + (x^2)(y^2) = (x^2)(q^2)(x^2 + y^2)

8. Solve using the transformation X = x^2; Y = y^2 the PDE
4xyz = pq + 2p(x^2)y + 2qx(y^2)

9. Find the complete integral of the PDE
z^2 = pqxy

10. Find a complete integral of the PDE
(p^2)x + qy - z = 0
and hence derive the equation of an integral surface which contains the
line y = 1; x + z = 0


sowmi said...
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sowmi said...

it wil be nice if u post wit d answers..

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