Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lets get the blog going again

Hiya guys ... lets post in and get our blog goin again. Lots of things have happened in just de two weeks and few days we've been back. Just after we came there was this big fuss about elections and stuff, atleast most of us think its just a fuss right? anyways u can expect more of "election" talks cuz i hear its gonna have to take place . And theres our new rep Sorna and our industrial visit is coming up on the 26th next month. .... did i forget something?? ... oh yeah .. our results :) Dont look at my grades please whenever theyre out... luk at ur own grades and get off ;) .

Here's a group photo taken wen sme of de guys went to tamil mani's house..

Am hoping to see more of you'll posting into the blog. We could even put stuff like stuff abt our courses, interesting pics like de one i put (i mean funny too) wateva u'll think the others would benefit from .. or like to see...

For hostel ppl who cant access rapidshare.

Assignment -I BE (Computer Science CD batch)
Course Teacher: Dr.T.N. Shanmugam
Last date for submission: 22nd August 2008

1. Obtain a PDE satisfied by all spheres whose centers lie on the z-axis.

2. Determine the PDE satisfied by all right circular cones whose axes coincide with the z-axis.

3. Find the PDE by eliminating the arbitrary function from
z = xy + g(x2 - y2)

4. Classify all the solutions of a PDE.

5. Find the general solution of the PDE
z(p - q) = z^2 + (x + y)^2.

6. Find the completer integral of the PDE
zpq = p + q.

7. Solve the PDE
(p^2)(q^2) + (x^2)(y^2) = (x^2)(q^2)(x^2 + y^2)

8. Solve using the transformation X = x^2; Y = y^2 the PDE
4xyz = pq + 2p(x^2)y + 2qx(y^2)

9. Find the complete integral of the PDE
z^2 = pqxy

10. Find a complete integral of the PDE
(p^2)x + qy - z = 0
and hence derive the equation of an integral surface which contains the
line y = 1; x + z = 0


Monday, July 21, 2008

Math assignment..

Hey guys i've d math assignment in this link..
Do check it out..

Math assignment!!


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©CSE H-batch CEG 2007